MAKEAWARE! icon in red colour Together we have the power to raise awareness of antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance with data MAKEAWARE! icon in pink colour Together we have the power to raise awareness of antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance with data MAKEAWARE! icon in red colour Together we have the power to raise awareness of antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance with data MAKEAWARE! icon in pink colour Together we have the power to raise awareness of antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance with data MAKEAWARE! icon in red colour Together we have the power to raise awareness of antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance with data MAKEAWARE! icon in pink colour Together we have the power to raise awareness of antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance with data MAKEAWARE! icon in red colour Together we have the power to raise awareness of antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance with data MAKEAWARE! icon in pink colour Together we have the power to raise awareness of antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance with data


Data pills and workshops to raise awareness on antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance.

Open the repo from your laptop to best explore the viz.



15 September, 2024

HEK, Basel

Perturband Fluids

w/Zoe Romano

Perturbant Fluids workshop aims to enhance and disseminate bodily autonomy and rethink possible relationships with the "perturbing" entities that embody us. During this workshop participants will be involved in the discovery of scientific protocols and tools to redefine the way we can contribute and redesign the narrative around science.

9 August, 2024

Fab24 Mexico

DipLab - Digital Petri Laboratory

w/ Matteo Subet

This workshop offers participants an exciting opportunity to deepen their understanding of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance through the digitization of the antibiogram test, made possible outside of microbiology laboratories. Attendees will be able to broaden their knowledge of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance, and explore the role of these life-saving drugs in modern medicine.



Visualizing the Resistance

w/ Cristina Corti

This workshop proposes an hands-on experience to learn and discover the science around antimicrobial resistance. Starting from scientific contents, the activities will engage the participants in the creation of a collaborative repository of images, resources and stories that will help contributing to the fight against antibiotics misuses and its consequences.



OneHealth Datathon

at Novartis Pavillon

Antimicrobial resistance is a global threat that directly or indirectly affects each and every one of us. On the 21st of June, people who experienced antimicrobial resistance, together with healthcare professionals, will be working supported by designers to envision possible technology solutions to the challenge of resistance development.



Biofilie Lab

w/ Isabel Farina & Giulia Tomasello

This workshop proposes an hands-on experience to learn and discover the science around antimicrobial resistance. Starting from scientific contents, the activities will engage the participants in the creation of a collaborative repository of images, resources and stories that will help contributing to the fight against antibiotics misuses and its consequences.



Shape your Symptoms

w/ Ginevra Terenghi

Are you a women and suffer from urinary tract infections (UTIs)? Have you ever experienced urinary tract infections, such as cystitis, or are you chronically affected by this sort of diseases? Did you have any troubles with the treatment? Was the antibiotic not effective or did it cause side effects? Take part in this workshop to support the research.

Past activities



Matteo Subet

Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV

Lausanne, CH


Shape your Symptoms

Ginevra Terenghi

Bern Academy of the Arts - BFH

Bern, CH


Shape your Symptoms

Ginevra Terenghi

Universidad de Monterrey - UDEM

Monterrey, Mexico


DiPLab - Digital Petri Laboratory

Matteo Subet

Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla

Puebla, Mexico


OpenHealth Datathon


Novertis Pavillon

Basel, CH


DiPLab - Digital Petri Laboratory

Matteo Subet


Mendrisio, CH


Shape Your Symptomps

Ginevra Terenghi


Mendrisio, CH


Perturbant Fluids

Zoe Romano

OBOT Project

La Rada

Locarno, CH


Shape Your Symptomps

Ginevra Terenghi

Brunel University London

London, UK


DiPLab - Digital Petri Laboratory

Ginevra Terenghi


Locarno, CH


DiPLab - Digital Petri Laboratory

Matteo Subet

Liceo Cantonale

Locarno, CH


DiPLab - Digital Petri Laboratory

Matteo Subet & Antonella Autuori

Kantonsschule Zürcher Unterland

Bülach, UK


Biofilie Lab: Growing vaginal microbiome at home
+ more info

Isabel Farina & Giulia Tomasello


Mendrisio, CH


Perturbant Fluids

Zoe Romano

OBOT Project

ImpactHub Ticino

Lugano, CH


Visualizing the Resistance

Cristina Fragoso

Applied Microbiology Lab


Mendrisio, CH


Visualizing the Resistance

Cristina Fragoso

Applied Microbiology Lab


Mendrisio, CH


Visualizing the Resistance

Cristina Fragoso

Applied Microbiology Lab


Mendrisio, CH


Perturbant Fluids

Zoe Romano

OBOT Project




Visualizing the Resistance

+ read the article

Pamela Principi, Cristina Corti Fragoso

Applied Microbiology Lab


Mendrisio, CH


Perturbant Fluids

+ read the article

Zoe Romano



Mendrisio, CH



Share your story to help others and inspire the research.

What was the reason to take antibiotics last time? Who prescribed them and what were you explained? Did the treatment work? Did any side effects occur? Is there any alternative treatment that works for you?

You can use the language you are more comfortable with. Data is anonymously collected and released on the project repository for others to use.

What was the reason to take antibiotics last time? Who did prescribe them and what were you explained? Did the treatment work? Did any side effects occur? Is there any alternative treatment that works for you?
Please fill out the form by answering the questions. If you don’t have an answer for a particular question, feel free to leave it blank. On the other hand, if you have additional insights to share, you are encouraged to elaborate on your response. This is an experimental interface under development, and we welcome any feedback. You may answer in the language you feel most comfortable using. All data is collected anonymously and stored on the university server. It will be reorganised and made accessible in a shared repository for consultation. We are currently working on the next phase, which involves visualising the data to identify potential patterns and insights. Thank you for your contribution!

I decided to (go, see, call, text or speak?) - (who have you consulted regarding your sickness?) because (what symptoms did you have?) . I was feeling (how were you feeling?) every time (when were the symptoms happening?) . I've been told by (who did provide you with the diagnosis?) that I was suffering from (what were you suffering from?) . It happened (again or never again?) for (for how long have you suffered?) . The doctor (explained or not explained?) to me that (what did the doctor say?) . I started (what treatment did you have?) . Ultimately, the cure (did the cure work or not?) . I started feeling (what effect did the treatment have on you?) . I noticed (have you noticed any side effects?) . So, I tried (have you looked for any alternatives?) . Now (how do you feel?)
. I am (is there a gender that best describes you?) (how old are you?) , years old , based in (where do you live?).

Thank you for sharing your story.

Your story has been received and it will be added to our database in the next days, for you and others to explore.

Data is collected anonymised and organised openly on the project repository for others to explore.